Signing into Yealink Teams Desk Phone

Tags Teams yealink


Instructions for signing into a Yealink Team phone.


  1. On your computer, navigate to
  2. On the desk phone, click on the Refresh code button.
  3. You should then see a code on the phone like shown below (not cap sensitive):
  4. On the computer, enter the code shown on the phone screen
  5. Next, you will be prompted on the computer to enter your password. Sign in with the phone credentials.
  6. Select "Continue" on the 'Are you trying to sign in to Microsoft Authentication Broker?' prompt on the computer
  7. After successfully logging in, you will see a message from Microsoft Authentication Broker.
  8. You may now close the web browser window on the computer.​​​​​​​


Article ID: 154267
Thu 3/9/23 10:21 AM
Tue 10/17/23 6:51 PM