Reset or Unlock a Password

If you need to change/reset your password, follow one of the two methods listed below.

If you need to reset a departmental account password, please Create a Ticket and provide the relevant information.

If you are at a Gannon University workstation and cannot log into the workstation to get to the portal page and cannot access any other device to reach the self-service links on the portal please call the ITS Help Desk for assistance.

Forgot/Reset my password (

  1. Navigate t​​​​​​o
  2. Click the " Password Reset Portal" to reset password 
  3. You will be redirected to Microsoft's Self Service Password Reset page
  4. Confirm your identity using one of the two methods you set up previously (text, email or phone verification)
  5. You will then be prompted to log in with your new password.

New Password Security Policy: 12 characters including spaces; no numbers, capitals or special characters required, expires once a year, and MFA is enforced off campus.

Using Microsoft's Self Service Password Reset - go to the KB article linked below.

Network Password - Update or Reset

Unlock Network ID

If you have tried to log in with an incorrect password, the system will lock you out after 5 attempts for a time period of 30 minutes.

If you are still having problems with your password, click the Create a Ticket button.

Create a Ticket

Related Articles (4)

Unable to log into Gannon account after entering password multiple times.
Instructions on the multiple ways you can reset or change a network password without calling in and how to sync new password to Gannon computer while off-campus.


Service ID: 24630
Mon 11/20/17 10:47 AM
Tue 8/8/23 6:00 PM