Maxient Application Overview

Application Overview

Maxient is used to manage reporting and tracking of conduct and other student concerns.

Report Sexual Misconduct - Cyber-Stalking, Sexual misconduct, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, Sexual Harassment, Stalking

(BIT) - Behavioral Intervention Team Form 

From the vendor:  Maxient is the software of choice for managing behavior records at colleges and universities across North America.
Our centralized reporting and recordkeeping helps institutions connect the dots and prevent students from falling through the cracks.

Whether it’s student discipline, academic integrity, care and concern records, Title IX matters, or just an “FYI”, Maxient’s Conduct Manager has you covered for all things related to a student’s conduct and well-being. Maxient serves as an integral component of many schools overall early alert efforts, helping to identify students in distress and coordinate the efforts of various departments to provide follow-up.

For more information about Maxient, contact the Student Conduct office.


Article ID: 98881
Thu 2/20/20 4:20 PM
Wed 4/24/24 3:36 PM