Popular Services

Report a problem with any service in this category. (Software examples: Respondus, Blackboard, Kaltura, VPN, etc..)

Having a problem with computer software of hardware not working or working poorly? This service is used for apps installed on your computer (i.e Microsoft's Office suite of apps, Adobe apps, web browsers, etc..) and computer & peripheral problems.

Request print account support or request departmental account changes for a Staff Faculty, Student in PaperCut, or a new print account for Work Study/GA/RA.

Help connecting Laptops, Tablets, and Phones to Gannon WiFi

Create, modify, or remove reports, databases, integrations, or web solutions.  Request software updates installations or upgrade an application. Implementation of application.

Assistance with MFA verification method for two factor authentication during sign-in. Stronger authentication method for key technology systems currently using Gannon University’s single-sign on system, to reduce the risk of a compromise, especially with high value systems such as those that process or store sensitive and restricted information.

Grant, modify, or remove security access to an application, file, or web solution.

Purchasing and quoting of computer hardware and software for employee use.

WiFi connectivity and Network problems.

Reset or unlock a Network ID password. Gannon policy is that Network passwords expire once a year (365 days).

Support for email including quarantined emails, safe senders, applying sensitivity, and creating meetings.

Request removal of technology hardware including computers, monitors, printers, phones, or other electronic peripherals. Hardware Disposal form will need to be completed.

Network ID creations for new Students, Faculty or Staff are automatically created within 24 hours.

Report a problem with technology in an ITS classroom or lab including the Nash Library.

Short-term laptop and peripheral loans for Gannon employees while theirs is being repaired, or while waiting for a new laptop or device to be delivered.

Loaning, setup, removal, and training of AV equipment needed for a meeting or event.

This document is to be prepared in advance of hiring, when submitting a position requisition, in order to prepare for the technology needs for your new employee. If you do not know any of the required information, put “to be determined”.

Request new University mobile phone(s) or accessories, upgrade or change an existing phone, or change plan for International Travel (including Canada). Also, use this service if you are requesting an assumption of your cell phone number when leaving Gannon.

Gannon utilizes a third-party vendor, ComDoc, to provide technical support for paper jams, errors and any malfunctions with our network printers. You can locate information on toner and paper procedures here as well.

Chat, meet, call, and collaborate all in one place with your team.

Network ID changes can be a departmental ID change, a name change or assistance with a disabled account. Accounts can be disabled by Human Resources, failure to accept the Code of Conduct, or other actions. Student accounts can be deleted for inactivity. Use this service to request a Network ID change to enable faculty or staff access to an Office 365 account.

Access or permission to a shared network directory or drive; Create a network share; Request a storage increase to a network drive or to your Trout drive. Also, use this service to Request a firewall port, assist with a blocked website, assist with static IP/DHCP reservations, or DNS entry.

To report a phishing email that is circulating, forward the suspicious email to helpdesk@gannon.edu.

All move requests are initiated through Campus Services by filling out their Office Relocation Form. If technology is involved ITS will be included in the coordination.